Das Tolle an den MEINL Kalimbas, dass sie neben ihrer Zugänglichkeit für jedermann multifunktional sind. Perkussionisten nutzen diese Instrumente, um in einem Aufnahmestudio subtile Klangschichten hinzuzufügen, Klangtherapeuten setzen sie zur Meditation und Entspannung ein, und Sie können diese Instrumente einfach zu Hause genießen, wie es Ihnen gefällt. Kalimbas machen jedem Musikliebhaber Spaß, unabhängig von Herkunft, Alter oder Kenntnisstand.
Verchromte Stahlzinken erzeugen einen perkussiven und melodischen Klang, wenn man sie mit den Fingern oder Daumen zupft. Jeder Zinken ist auf eine Tonhöhe innerhalb einer für das jeweilige Kalimba-Modell festgelegten Tonleiter voreingestimmt.

Sie können sich in jede Richtung über die Zinken bewegen, mit völliger Freiheit, um endlose Melodien zu erzeugen. Darüber hinaus wird durch das gleichzeitige Anschlagen zweier beliebiger Noten ein Akkord erzeugt.
Die MEINL Solid und Wah-Wah Kalimbas verwenden neuseeländische Kiefer wegen ihres geringen Gewichts und ihrer Haltbarkeit. Dieser hölzerne Boden trägt auch dazu bei, einen natürlichen Resonanzton zu erzeugen, indem er die Metallzinken frei ausklingen lässt.

Unsere Wah-Wah Kalimba hat einen ausgehöhlten Körper mit einer Öffnung, die Ihnen zugewandt ist. Um einen Wah-Wah-Effekt zu erzielen, drücken Sie während des Spielens die Öffnung des Instruments auf Ihren Oberkörper und entfernen Sie sie wieder. Dieser Klang ist ideal, um bei einer Studioaufnahme faszinierende akustische Klanglandschaften zu erzeugen.
Wenn eine zusätzliche Verstärkung für Live-Shows benötigt wird, ist die Meinl Pickup Kalimba mit einem Tonabnehmersystem mit externer Lautstärkeregelung ausgestattet.

How to get quick, easy wins making music
Plus, why Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas are great for meditation
There are instruments that don't require perfectionism to sound great. If you're not a musician, here's your first lesson.
Within a scale (musical notes ordered by pitch), you are free to make any decision on what to play, and the notes will always be in sync. Using this principle, the Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas are pre-tuned to a single scale so you can create music with no prior training or massive learning curve, which means no worrying about wrong notes.
It's this easy — pluck the steel keys with your thumbs in any order or combination to create a melody or chord. These Kalimbas are also painless to learn songs on, and their pre-tuned scale allows you to play anything from classical pieces to lullabies. But ease of use is only part of the story. A light, airy sound full of depth, body and delicate articulation is the hallmark of Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas — and their distinct sound can be used so many ways.
From music to meditation
The great thing about Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas, besides their accessibility to anyone, is their ability to create a calming effect on your senses. Right away, you'll feel a soothing, ambient tone fill the space around you as you pluck the steel tines (or keys). The top grade materials we use deliver a pleasant and pure sound that has the power to shift your focus and clear your mind.
End of day ritual or sound immersion experience
Play the Kalimba to help reduce anxiety or stress before going to sleep. For sound practitioners, you can incorporate these Kalimbas into sound baths or meditation sessions. Yoga instructors may find them useful for signaling a change in pose. Of course, musicians can have their fun with them too.
Pre-tuned and ready to play right out of the box

Equally useful for sound therapy as they are in traditional musical settings, these Kalimbas serve a multitude of purposes for any type of player.
Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas easily fit in your hands for a comfortable playing experience. They are designed to be played by anyone, regardless of age or skill.
Play indoors or outside with a group or by yourself to aid in meditation and center your focus.
Expert craftsmanship
These Kalimbas are crafted with exceptional care using top grade tone woods including maple/acacia blend, mahogany, acacia or maple. The wood is finished with a stain that brings out the natural grain for a refined and high-end appearance.
Meinl Sonic Energy uses solid, chrome plated steel for the tines that delivers a pure and resonant sound. These tines are pre-tuned.

Meinl Sonic Energy is a collection of instruments that supports our connection to experience the body, mind and energy, as One. Many practitioners and guides within the health and wellness industry use these instruments therapeutically for stress management, anxiety relief, insomnia, depression, addictive recovery, pain management, etc. They are unique expressions of the vibrations we encounter on a daily basis and when listened to closely, seem to have a language all their own. They invite us to appreciate the definition of all things we find harmonious in our life and through this support, our journey begins toward new peace and restoration. Our collection of beautifully crafted creations makes self-discovery through sound a simple, profound practice.
Choose between three different construction types: Hollow, solid and Wah-wah Kalimba
All Meinl Sonic Energy hollow body Kalimbas feature a sound hole, which helps, similar to the hole of an acoustic guitar, spreading the tone naturally.
Engraved around the sound hole is a design that gives each Kalimba a unique, cultural look. That makes them look great on display in your home, studio, classroom or meditation space even when not in use.
Solid Kalimbas meanwhile are known for their sturdy, compact design and dense warm sound.
The smooth edges and body surface provide a pleasant feel and sleek appearance.
Kalimbas with a body-oriented soundhole are called Wah-wah Kalimbas. Wah-wah Kalimbas add a new dimension to the sound by letting the player vary the frequency focus put out by the instrument and thus creating different sounds similar to wah-pedal for guitars.

Pre-tuned and ready to play right out of the box
The African thumb piano, or Kalimba is a percussion instrument consisting of a number of thin metal blades (keys) mounted on a soundbox or soundboard. Sometimes they're made with a sound hole in the middle, sometimes they're made from solid wood.

Das Tolle an den MEINL Kalimbas, dass sie neben ihrer Zugänglichkeit für jedermann multifunktional sind. Perkussionisten nutzen diese Instrumente, um in einem Aufnahmestudio subtile Klangschichten hinzuzufügen, Klangtherapeuten setzen sie zur Meditation und Entspannung ein, und Sie können diese Instrumente einfach zu Hause genießen, wie es Ihnen gefällt. Kalimbas machen jedem Musikliebhaber Spaß, unabhängig von Herkunft, Alter oder Kenntnisstand.
Verchromte Stahlzinken erzeugen einen perkussiven und melodischen Klang, wenn man sie mit den Fingern oder Daumen zupft. Jeder Zinken ist auf eine Tonhöhe innerhalb einer für das jeweilige Kalimba-Modell festgelegten Tonleiter voreingestimmt.

Sie können sich in jede Richtung über die Zinken bewegen, mit völliger Freiheit, um endlose Melodien zu erzeugen. Darüber hinaus wird durch das gleichzeitige Anschlagen zweier beliebiger Noten ein Akkord erzeugt.
Die MEINL Solid und Wah-Wah Kalimbas verwenden neuseeländische Kiefer wegen ihres geringen Gewichts und ihrer Haltbarkeit. Dieser hölzerne Boden trägt auch dazu bei, einen natürlichen Resonanzton zu erzeugen, indem er die Metallzinken frei ausklingen lässt.

Unsere Wah-Wah Kalimba hat einen ausgehöhlten Körper mit einer Öffnung, die Ihnen zugewandt ist. Um einen Wah-Wah-Effekt zu erzielen, drücken Sie während des Spielens die Öffnung des Instruments auf Ihren Oberkörper und entfernen Sie sie wieder. Dieser Klang ist ideal, um bei einer Studioaufnahme faszinierende akustische Klanglandschaften zu erzeugen.
Wenn eine zusätzliche Verstärkung für Live-Shows benötigt wird, ist die Meinl Pickup Kalimba mit einem Tonabnehmersystem mit externer Lautstärkeregelung ausgestattet.

How to get quick, easy wins making music
Plus, why Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas are great for meditation
There are instruments that don't require perfectionism to sound great. If you're not a musician, here's your first lesson.
Within a scale (musical notes ordered by pitch), you are free to make any decision on what to play, and the notes will always be in sync. Using this principle, the Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas are pre-tuned to a single scale so you can create music with no prior training or massive learning curve, which means no worrying about wrong notes.
It's this easy — pluck the steel keys with your thumbs in any order or combination to create a melody or chord. These Kalimbas are also painless to learn songs on, and their pre-tuned scale allows you to play anything from classical pieces to lullabies. But ease of use is only part of the story. A light, airy sound full of depth, body and delicate articulation is the hallmark of Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas — and their distinct sound can be used so many ways.
From music to meditation
The great thing about Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas, besides their accessibility to anyone, is their ability to create a calming effect on your senses. Right away, you'll feel a soothing, ambient tone fill the space around you as you pluck the steel tines (or keys). The top grade materials we use deliver a pleasant and pure sound that has the power to shift your focus and clear your mind.
End of day ritual or sound immersion experience
Play the Kalimba to help reduce anxiety or stress before going to sleep. For sound practitioners, you can incorporate these kalimbas into sound baths or meditation sessions. Yoga instructors may find them useful for signaling a change in pose. Of course, musicians can have their fun with them too.
Pre-tuned and ready to play right out of the box

Equally useful for sound therapy as they are in traditional musical settings, these Kalimbas serve a multitude of purposes for any type of player.
Meinl Sonic Energy Kalimbas easily fit in your hands for a comfortable playing experience. They are designed to be played by anyone, regardless of age or skill.
Play indoors or outside with a group or by yourself to aid in meditation and center your focus.
Expert craftsmanship
These Kalimbas are crafted with exceptional care using top grade tone woods including maple/acacia blend, mahogany, acacia or maple. The wood is finished with a stain that brings out the natural grain for a refined and high-end appearance.
Meinl Sonic Energy uses solid, chrome plated steel for the tines that delivers a pure and resonant sound. These tines are pre-tuned.

Meinl Sonic Energy is a collection of instruments that supports our connection to experience the body, mind and energy, as One. Many practitioners and guides within the health and wellness industry use these instruments therapeutically for stress management, anxiety relief, insomnia, depression, addictive recovery, pain management, etc. They are unique expressions of the vibrations we encounter on a daily basis and when listened to closely, seem to have a language all their own. They invite us to appreciate the definition of all things we find harmonious in our life and through this support, our journey begins toward new peace and restoration. Our collection of beautifully crafted creations makes self-discovery through sound a simple, profound practice.
Choose between three different construction types: Hollow, solid and Wah-wah Kalimba
All Meinl Sonic Energy hollow body Kalimbas feature a sound hole, which helps, similar to the hole of an acoustic guitar, spreading the tone naturally.
Engraved around the sound hole is a design that gives each Kalimba a unique, cultural look. That makes them look great on display in your home, studio, classroom or meditation space even when not in use.
Solid Kalimbas meanwhile are known for their sturdy, compact design and dense warm sound.
The smooth edges and body surface provide a pleasant feel and sleek appearance.
Kalimbas with a body-oriented soundhole are called Wah-wah Kalimbas. Wah-wah Kalimbas add a new dimension to the sound by letting the player vary the frequency focus put out by the instrument and thus creating different sounds similar to wah-pedal for guitars.

Pre-tuned and ready to play right out of the box
The African thumb piano, or Kalimba is a percussion instrument consisting of a number of thin metal blades (keys) mounted on a soundbox or soundboard. Sometimes they're made with a sound hole in the middle, sometimes they're made from solid wood.
The African thumb piano, or Kalimba is a percussion instrument consisting of a number of thin metal blades (keys) mounted on a soundbox or soundboard. Sometimes they're made with a sound hole in the middle, sometimes they're made from solid wood.