Meinl Sonic Energy Chakra Gongs
For the production of the Meinl Sonic Energy Chakra Gongs the calculation of Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and musicologist who discovered the natural law of the cosmic octave, is used. This calculation allows the gongs to be tuned to a specific frequency.
The Chakra Gongs from Meinl Sonic Energy are handmade by the gong makers in order to guarantee the highest possible sound sensitivity in every playing situation. Their mystical sound is created by hours of extensive processing of the metal and is very atmospheric and relaxing.

What are Chakras?
Chakras originate from the Tantric traditions that developed in ancient India. They are focal points for meditation within the human body, which are visualized as structures of energy resembling discs or flowers located where the energy channels (also known as meridians) converge.
These energetic centers are located along the spine. Everybody has them. They can be thought of as rapidly rotating wheels, which is why they are also called energy wheels.
If the flow of energy is interrupted or obstructed, it is called a blockage, which can reinforce feelings of anxiety and separateness. In order to remove these blockages, an attempt is made to stimulate the respective chakra, using various therapeutic approaches.
The meaning of the seven Chakras
There are seven main Chakras, which are located along the spine and radiate energy. These energies have different frequencies and therefore different color and sound spectra.

Root Chakra
Word: I have
Color: Red
Location: Pelvic floor
Balanced Chakra:
With a balanced root chakra, the body and psyche are highly energized and activated with life energy.
Sacral Chakra
Word: I feel
Color: Orange
Location: Region below belly button
Balanced Chakra:
When this chakra is in balance, open communication, warmth, feeling, awareness of sexual and heart energy are encouraged.
Solarplexus Chakra
Word: I can
Color: Yellow
Location: Stomach area
Balanced Chakra:
Promotes inner harmony and strength, contentment and letting go without melancholy.

Heart Chakra
Word: I love
Color: Green
Location: At the level of the heart
Balanced Chakra:
A balanced heart chakra promotes self-confidence, insight and clarity.
Throat Chakra
Word: I speak
Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Balanced Chakra:
When this chakra is balanced, communication skills, self-determination and independence are encouraged.
Brow Chakra
Word: I see
Color: Indigo blue
Location: Between the eyebrows
Balanced Chakra:
Harmonizes feeling power and harmony, activates love and love power.
Crown Chakra
Word: I understand
Color: Violet
Location: At the crown of the head
Balanced Chakra:
A balanced crown chakra empowers connection with the divine source. It supports perfect understanding and brings body, mind and spirit into harmony.

Meinl Sonic Energy is a collection of instruments that supports our connection to experience the body, mind and energy, as One. Many practitioners and guides within the health and wellness industry use these instruments therapeutically for stress management, anxiety relief, insomnia, depression, addictive recovery, pain management, etc. They are unique expressions of the vibrations we encounter on a daily basis and when listened to closely, seem to have a language all their own. They invite us to appreciate the definition of all things we find harmonious in our life and through this support, our journey begins toward new peace and restoration. Our collection of beautifully crafted creations makes self-discovery through sound a simple, profound practice.
The benefits of Chakra meditation
● Improve overall health and well being
● Increase memory, concentration and focus
● Help burn body fat and lose weight
● Decrease levels of anger and depression
● Increase creativity and productivity
● Lower anxiety and stress levels
Meinl Sonic Energy Chakra Gongs
For the production of the Meinl Sonic Energy Chakra Gongs the calculation of Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and musicologist who discovered the natural law of the cosmic octave, is used. This calculation allows the gongs to be tuned to a specific frequency.
The Chakra Gongs from Meinl Sonic Energy are handmade by the gong makers in order to guarantee the highest possible sound sensitivity in every playing situation. Their mystical sound is created by hours of extensive processing of the metal and is very atmospheric and relaxing.

What are Chakras?
Chakras originate from the Tantric traditions that developed in ancient India. They are focal points for meditation within the human body, which are visualized as structures of energy resembling discs or flowers located where the energy channels (also known as meridians) converge.
These energetic centers are located along the spine. Everybody has them. They can be thought of as rapidly rotating wheels, which is why they are also called energy wheels.
If the flow of energy is interrupted or obstructed, it is called a blockage, which can reinforce feelings of anxiety and separateness. In order to remove these blockages, an attempt is made to stimulate the respective chakra, using various therapeutic approaches.
The meaning of the seven Chakras
There are seven main Chakras, which are located along the spine and radiate energy. These energies have different frequencies and therefore different color and sound spectra.

Root Chakra
Word: I have
Color: Red
Location: Pelvic floor
Balanced Chakra:
With a balanced root chakra, the body and psyche are highly energized and activated with life energy.
Sacral Chakra
Word: I feel
Color: Orange
Location: Region below belly button
Balanced Chakra:
When this chakra is in balance, open communication, warmth, feeling, awareness of sexual and heart energy are encouraged.
Solarplexus Chakra
Word: I can
Color: Yellow
Location: Stomach area
Balanced Chakra:
Promotes inner harmony and strength, contentment and letting go without melancholy.

Heart Chakra
Word: I love
Color: Green
Location: At the level of the heart
Balanced Chakra:
A balanced heart chakra promotes self-confidence, insight and clarity.
Throat Chakra
Word: I speak
Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Balanced Chakra:
When this chakra is balanced, communication skills, self-determination and independence are encouraged.
Brow Chakra
Word: I see
Color: Indigo blue
Location: Between the eyebrows
Balanced Chakra:
Harmonizes feeling power and harmony, activates love and love power.
Crown Chakra
Word: I understand
Color: Violet
Location: At the crown of the head
Balanced Chakra:
A balanced crown chakra empowers connection with the divine source. It supports perfect understanding and brings body, mind and spirit into harmony.

Meinl Sonic Energy is a collection of instruments that supports our connection to experience the body, mind and energy, as One. Many practitioners and guides within the health and wellness industry use these instruments therapeutically for stress management, anxiety relief, insomnia, depression, addictive recovery, pain management, etc. They are unique expressions of the vibrations we encounter on a daily basis and when listened to closely, seem to have a language all their own. They invite us to appreciate the definition of all things we find harmonious in our life and through this support, our journey begins toward new peace and restoration. Our collection of beautifully crafted creations makes self-discovery through sound a simple, profound practice.
The benefits of Chakra meditation
● Improve overall health and well being
● Increase memory, concentration and focus
● Help burn body fat and lose weight
● Decrease levels of anger and depression
● Increase creativity and productivity
● Lower anxiety and stress levels